Apartheid in Israel? NONESENSE!

“The people who are talking about apartheid in Israel are talking nonsense.”  So declared a black South African pastor who, after an accident, found himself hospitalized in Israel alongside Palestinian Muslims and Jews, all receiving equal care.

Characterizing Israel as an apartheid state is a charge frequently heard from the numerous churches, religious organizations, and NGOs that endorse the BDS movement.  It often appears explicitly in their official documents and resolutions. The “apartheid state” mischaracterization is one of the presupposed assumptions underlying the BDS movement, a complete fiction that is uncritically accepted by many of its followers as well as many naïve church-goers.

Other religious leaders in the BDS movement are not naïve but simply dishonest and cynical ideologues who want to bring down Israel the same way economic tactics succeeded in bringing down the old South Africa in the 1990s. More to the point, they really don’t want to change Israel. Their real agenda is to eliminate Israel entirely.  Author Gerald Steinberg writes, “The attempt to label Israel as an illegitimate ‘apartheid state’ is the embodiment of the new anti-Semitism that seeks to deny the Jewish people the right of equality and self-determination among the nations.”

Kenneth Meshoe, a black member of the South African parliament, states emphatically, “I know that nothing is happening in that country [Israel] that can be compared to apartheid in South Africa.” Meshoe, who was born in Pretoria under apartheid, speaks from experience.  “We know what apartheid really was.  What we suffered in South Africa is not being suffered by anyone in Israel….  Non-Jews in Israel have everything that we non-whites in apartheid South Africa never shared with the white South Africans.”

Meshoe adds, “The charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a lie about Israel, and it is a lie about the real apartheid.”  To those who propagate the slander, he says, “You are damaging the chance for peace in the Middle East and… you are destroying the memory of the real apartheid.”  As Gerald Steinberg puts it, “In reality, the analogy and rhetoric are absurd, and they demean black victims of the real apartheid.”  He points out, too, that “the ‘Zionism is apartheid’ propaganda is also used to justify Palestinian terrorist attacks and the efforts to deny Israelis the basic human right of self-defense….”

The comparison between apartheid South Africa and Israel is ridiculous, a case of apples and oranges.  As Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says, “Israel is not like South Africa in any way.” Yet the “apartheid” slander persists, facts notwithstanding, because it is a useful propaganda theme for the purpose of demonizing and delegitimizing Israel as well as denying Israel’s right to exist.

Author and journalist Benjamin Pogrund was born in Cape Town in the 1930s and left South Africa only after being forced out for his critical journalism.  Since then he has lived more than a dozen years in Israel.  He writes, “I am acutely aware of Israel’s problems and faults, but it is nothing like South Africa before 1994.”  He cites “pass laws” that limited where blacks were allowed to live and work, torture and detention without trial by the security police, and starvation and malnutrition in the rural areas.

In apartheid South Africa, any black who needed medical treatment and was fortunate enough to find a white doctor willing to treat him had to enter the clinic or hospital through the back door and get inferior treatment.   There is no such discrimination in Israeli medical facilities.

In Israel there are non-Jewish judges, teachers, professors, even members of Knesset, as well as others holding high positions in all professions and occupations.  In apartheid South Africa, non-whites were systematically banned from all such opportunities.   They were deprived of the right to vote and choose their own leaders.  Israeli citizens, both Jews and Palestinians, have these civil rights in full.

Blacks under apartheid were the overwhelming majority of the population of South Africa. Yet they were not citizens and they lived under severe restrictions.   Even the basic right to life was trampled on.  The government disrespected their human rights so much that blacks could be killed for protesting against its policies.  In Israel, on the other hand, Arabs are a minority, but they have equal rights as citizens.

“Zionism and the revival of national sovereignty in the Jewish homeland are not manifestations of European colonialism, in contrast to the white settlers… who created Johannesburg and Pretoria,” writes Steinberg. “ And while black labor was exploited in slavery-like conditions under apartheid, in contrast, Palestinians are dependent on Israeli employment….”

As black South African parliament member Kenneth Meshoe observes, there would have been no need for armed struggle in South Africa, and no need for Nelson Mandela to go to prison, if conditions under apartheid had been comparable to the human rights situation in Israel.  In addition to the right to vote, Mandela fought for fundamental rights including freedom of movement and travel, freedom to live where one chooses, freedom of access to medical facilities, and the right to education.  In Israel, those rights are already in effect for all Israeli citizens without discrimination.

From its beginning, the Zionist movement has held an egalitarian mentality, rejecting social class hierarchy structures.  The idea was that no one, no social elite, was above doing useful labor.   Otherwise, said Ben Gurion, “this will not be our homeland.”  That egalitarian ideal has continued to shape Israeli society and culture.  It stands in stark contrast to the racially oppressive and brutal, rights-denying character of apartheid.  The two models of society could hardly be more opposite.

There is a caveat, though, when it comes to the West Bank and Gaza, the Palestinian territories as differentiated from Israel per se.   Those areas have their own governing authorities whereby they manage their own affairs.  In fact, they don’t just want their own separate state.  Disputing Israel’s right to exist, they advocate Israel’s destruction and refuse to give up terrorism.  As a result of this hostile intransigence, Israel cannot take the self-destructive step of extending citizenship to the Palestinians in the territories, which would amount to de-facto annexation.  But the fact that the territories are governed separately from Israel does not imply by any stretch of the imagination that Israel is an apartheid state.

Benjamin Pogrund, after acknowledging some of Israel’s faults, writes: “But from my perspective, there is none of the institutionalized racism, the intentionality that underpinned apartheid in South Africa. So why does the BDS movement insist otherwise?”  His conclusion: “For them to propagate this analogy in the name of human rights is cynical and manipulative.  Their aims would eliminate Israel.”

When Oilve Trees Cry

When Olive Trees Cry  is a “documentary” currently  showing at different venues throughout Humboldt County. It is slick, with very good production values and designed to tear at the heartstrings of anyone who would watch it.

It is also a pack of outright lies.  I put “quotes” around the word “documentary” for a reason. This tripe is not a documentary. It’s PROPAGANDA. It purports that terrible things are happening in Gaza. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) is committing atrocities, murdering women, children and non combatants, and carrying out a :genocide” against the “palestinian” people.

Do armies carrying out “genocide” routinely drop leaflets, phone people in the target zones, and generally warn people in those zones to vacate, prior to an attack? That’s what the IDF does. One or more days prior to every attack, the IDF warns people of what is to come. This is not genocide.

Hamas routinely (and they’ve been doing this since their beginnings) uses women and children as “human shields.”  They stage their rocket launches from hospitals, mosques, schools and residential areas on purpose, to shield their operations from the defending army.

You know none of what is happening in Gaza would be happening it Hamas hadn’t staged a little mini-invasion last October 7th.

Hamas’ military wing – the Qassam Brigades – and at least four other Palestinian armed groups committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity against civilians during the October 7, 2023 assault on southern Israel, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Governments with influence over the armed groups should press for the urgent release of civilian hostages, an ongoing war crime, and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

The 236-page report, “‘I Can’t Erase All the Blood from My Mind’: Palestinian Armed Groups’ October 7 Assault on Israel,” documents several dozen cases of serious violations of international humanitarian law by Palestinian armed groups at nearly all the civilian attack sites on October 7. These include the war crimes and crimes against humanity of murder, hostage-taking, gang rape (where women were so brutally assaulted that their pelvises were broken), infants were beheaded,  and many  other grave offenses. Human Rights Watch also examined the role of various armed groups and their coordination before and during the attacks.

“Human Rights Watch research found that the Hamas-led assault on October 7 was designed to kill civilians and take as many people as possible hostage,” said Ida Sawyer, crisis and conflict director at Human Rights Watch.

Between October 2023 and June 2024, Human Rights Watch interviewed 144 people including 94 Israeli and other nationals who witnessed the October 7 assault, victims’ family members, first responders, and medical experts. Researchers also verified and analyzed over 280 photographs and videos taken during the assault and posted on social media or shared directly with Human Rights Watch.

On the morning of October 7, Hamas-led Palestinian armed groups carried out numerous coordinated attacks including on civilian residential communities and social events and on Israeli military bases in the area of southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip. The armed groups attacked at least 19 kibbutzim and 5 moshavim (cooperative communities), the cities of Sderot and Ofakim, 2 music festivals, and a beach party. The fighting lasted much of the day and in some cases longer.

Across many attack sites, Palestinian fighters fired directly at civilians, often at close range, as they tried to flee, and at people driving through the area. The attackers hurled grenades, shot into shelters, and fired rocket-propelled grenades at homes. They set houses on fire, burning and choking people, and forcing out others whom they shot or captured. They took dozens hostage and summarily killed others.

Nirit Hunwald, a nurse from Kibbutz Be’eri, where 97 civilians were killed, described dragging a rapid response team member who had been shot into the kibbutz’s dental clinic to treat his wounds: “There was a blood trail. I cannot erase it from my mind, all the blood.”

Agence France-Presse cross-referenced numerous data sources to determine that 815 of 1,195 people killed on October 7 were civilians. The armed groups took as hostages 251 civilians and Israeli security force personnel and took them to Gaza. As of July 1, 116 remained in Gaza, including the bodies of at least 42 who had been killed, according to AFP. Bodies of another 35 who were killed were returned to Israel.

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, the Palestinian movement that has governed the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip since 2007, led the assault. Human Rights Watch confirmed the participation of four other Palestinian armed groups based on headbands the fighters wore to indicate their affiliation and their claims of responsibility posted to their Telegram channels on social media.

The armed groups committed numerous violations of the laws of war that amount to war crimes, including attacks targeting civilians and civilian objects; willful killing of people in custody; cruel and other inhumane treatment; crimes involving sexual and gender-based violence; hostage-taking; mutilation and despoiling bodies; use of human shields; and pillage and looting.

The widespread attack was directed against a civilian population. Killing civilians and taking hostages were central aims of the planned attack, not an afterthought, a plan gone awry, or isolated acts. Human Rights Watch concluded that the planned murder of civilians and the hostage-taking were crimes against humanity.

Accounts from survivors along with verified photographs and videos (many of which were taken from body cams worn by the terrorists) show Palestinian fighters seeking out civilians and killing them across the attack sites from the moment the assault began, indicating that the intentional killing and hostage-taking of civilians was planned and highly coordinated.

All of this brutality was perpetrated by a terrorist government whose mission statement includes the words: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” (Preamble)

“The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [Holy Possession] consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it.” (Article 11)

“Palestine is an Islamic land… Since this is the case, the Liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Moslem wherever he may be.” (Article 13)

None of what you just read is appearing in newspapers or online sources because, well, these actions were taken against Jews. In fact if Gaza was populated by Jews, there wouldn’t be a word said about it anywhere.  Antisemitism is alive and prospering everywhere it seems.

What condition my condition is in

My blog was moved here from another host when thay host could not protect this site from hackers.  They broke in, corrupted my database, and satisfied that they are the king of shmucks, left.

Except, they had corrupted the database, and so we are basically rebuilding from scratch, So what you are seeing is what you are getting.

Reparations will take awhile.

The next test will be how much I can get away with here, with the first amendment and all.I have some pretty controversial view points, being a “Leftist Zionist” and all.

Waiting is, I suppose.

C’est moi

This is the blog of Ellis “El” Arseneau, purveyor of unconventional wisdom, which is to say MY BLOG.  Herein you will read both opinions and facts. One thing you will not read here is lies. Herein I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth (so help me Hashem).

As of today, 18 August 2024, this site is undergoing a resurrection.  Vile antisemites, who  call themselves “palestinians” (except that there is no such thing, and hasn’t been a thing, since May 1948, when the UK abandoned their “Mandatory Palestine.”  Prior to 1948, people living in what is now the Jewish State of Israel, did in fact call themselves Palestinian, and they carried passports and other identifying papers stating such.  Beginning in May 1948, folks living in the newly independent State of Israel began calling themselves  “Israelis.” ), these despicable inbreds hacked into this site and destroyed my database, so for about the last three months, this site was gone.

Well folks, we’re back. Back to being us. Back to telling the truth about a lot of things, including the truth about Israel.

If you don’t like it, you can’t have any.