It may well be true what they say. It may well be true that the membersof the Masonic Lodge are part of a conspiracy to bring about a one world government in our time. It may be true that the sinister forces of the Illuminati, controlled by world banking interests are ushering in a new
world order. It may be true, but what of it? Can you do anything about it? Do you even want to? And how do you know that world won't be a better place than it is now after the fact? Fundamentalist Christians are the most worried, certain that the advent of the New World Order will also be the harbinger of the Anti-Christ. Since Freemasonry is at the center of the conspiracy there is an abundance of Mason bating and hating among Fundies that rivals the anti-Semitic activities of Hitler's brown shirts. And of course, anyone conservatives hate is involved in the conspiracy, including, environmentalists, feminists, gays, lesbians, Catholics, Jews, and people of color. An oddity since hardly any of these groups can be found amongst the white bread ranks of Freemasonry. Still, there is all the circumstantial evidence. Fourteen ofour past presidents were members of the lodge. There's all that Masonic symbolism on the back of the dollar: the pyramid with 13 layers, the eye, the 13 stars, the Eagle (itself a veiled metaphor for the mythical Phoenix), the proliferation of the number 13 throughout the design, and the Latin phrasing: "Novus Ordo Seclorum", (A New World Order), and "Anuit Coeptus," (He has smiled on our endeavors). This is just the tip of the iceberg though. The Washington Monument, the 300 foot tall obelisk (an Egyptian symbol) that dominates the Capital Mall is not a monument to George Washington alone, but to all of \the Past Grand Master Masons that have ever served any lodge anywhere in this country. Even the colors of the flag are Masonries colors. Over half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence,and the Constitution were members of the Lodge. Most of the members of the Continental Congress, and most members of the Continental Army were masons. All of their commanders were as well. To this day a majority of the members of Congress from both parties (and all ideologies) as well as the Supreme Court are members of the Lodge. This pattern holds true in our state legislatures as well. So what do we make of all this? It is said that the true patriot that loves this country will do all in his power to thwart this Masonic conspiracy and keep this country sovereign and free. I beg to differ. I would have to say that since the founding fathers were all Masons and the architects of this country, then true patriots would want to be a part of
whatever conspiracy these men crafted. The United States is a model of one world government. Here we have 50 States (or countries) united under one federal government -- a federation. It helps when our terms are defined properly. Everywhere else in the world the term "state" means "country". Other large countries have provinces or even counties. We have States. That is because each State is in effect a country of it's own right. That's why we are the United States of America, i.e., all the countries in the Americas that have united under one government. Presumably the intention was that it would eventually become the United States of the World. History had other ideas, and the wheels of "Manifest Destiny" effectively ground to a halt, first with the failed attempt to invade Canada in the War of 1812, and second with the advent of the Civil War. It's no accident that the headquarters of the United Nations is located in the economic capital of the world. The intention is now and ever was, that American culture and business would dominate the world both socially and politically. And won't it be a better world for all? The science fiction series, Star Trek portrays an Earth under not only a one world government, but a United Federation of
Planets! It's a world where poverty, ignorance and disease have been eradicated. Where money and property and class are no longer issues of struggle. And (for those who have eyes to see) it's no coincidence that the writers have placed a number of Masonic symbols in the story structure. The world of Star Trek is indeed the Masonic world vision for our future. Those who truly love this country, who truly believe that they are patriots, had better get on the bandwagon and help bring the American/Masonic New World Order about. You need only visit your local Masonic Lodge to join. Welcome brothers!