The 4 Spiritual Laws (A parody)



Just as there are physical laws that govern the physical plane of existence, so are there spiritual laws which govern your relationship with the universe.



G-d LOVES you and offers a wonderful PLAN for your life.

G-ds’ Plan You are G-d, and I am G-d and all that groks is G-d.”  –Valentine Michael Smith

YOU are G-d. Your neighbor is G-d. Every sentient being is G-d. Through this self-realization, your
G-dness becomes actualized.Why is it that most people are not experiencing the life of  G-d?Because..


People are BRAINWASHED from birth by FALSE religions that they are sinful and separated from  G-d. Therefore, they cannot know and experience being
G-d whom they truly are.

People are brainwashed Each cultural group sets up its rules for virtuous behavior, sanctifies actions which contribute to the preservation of the hive. Society is based on the control and direction of socio-sexual behavior. The particular soc-sex virtues\r\nof the group,­ emotional, symbolic, and stylistic ­are usually determined early in the group’s history by dominant leaders who impose their fourth imprint sexual eccentricities on the culture. St. Paul didn’t like women. Mohammed was polygamous-exploitive. Luther was paternal. Since most modern societies have been codified by menopausal, power-oriented men, the moral systems tend to be prudish, exploitive and chauvinistic. Social responsibilities thus determine virtue and sin­ which are always sexual in nature.” — Dr. Timothy Leary The only true sin is ignorance I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion, and elimination of ignorance, selfishness, and greed.” — H.H., The 14th Dalai Lama

This diagram illustrates that G-dhood is attainable, but people are ignorant because of societal brainwashing. A great wall of ignorance separates the two. The arrows illustrate that people are continually trying to reach their inherent G-dness and the abundant life through false religion, – but this inevitably fails. The third law explains one way (but not the only one) to bridge this gulf..


Knowledge will help you to break through the barrier of societal conditioning. Through knowledge you can know and experience love and and your own inherent G-dness.

You can free yourself from the bondage of false religion. Most of us have been raised in religious belief systems (BS) that indoctrinate us into co-dependent relationships with false deities. These are, for the most part, pseudo-mono-theist systems, and require subservience to a false god. In these belief systems, you take no responsibility for your own actions or beliefs. Rather, you blame your actions on a false god (example: Satan) . You are also forced to back up you belief by acceptance on a book of historical fiction (The Bible, The Koran, The Torah, etc.), as historical fact. Then you are trapped in an ignorant, illogical system of circular reasoning: “G-d says blah, blah,….”  “We know this is true because the Bible says so.”  ” We know the Bible is true because G-d has said it is\” and so on and so forth. You can overcome this bondage, and take back your life and live up to your responsibilities.” ‘Thou art G-d ‘ It’s not a message of cheer and hope. It’s a defiance–and an unafraid unabashed assumption of personal responsibility.” –Valentine Michael Smith

This diagram illustrates that knowledge bridges the gulf which separates us from our true selves.It is not enough just to know these three laws..


We must individually Invoke  G-od within; then we can realize and experience our own purpose plan for our lives.

We invoke G-d through meditation. When We Invoke  G-d, We Experience a New Birth. Invoking the G-d involves turning to our true selves from co-dependency and re-educating ourselves to make us realize our own G-dness (Thou art G–d). Just to agree intellectually that you are  G-d is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience. We invoke the G-d as an act of the will.

These two circles represent two kinds of lives:

Which circle best describes your life? Which circle would you like to have represent your life?

The following explains how you can invoke the Goddess:

You Can Invoke G-d Right Now Through Meditation. The attitude of your heart is more important than your words. The following is a suggested simple invocation: “Mighty One of us all, I come before you to proclaim my own part of you . I am not a sinner, and I have never been one. I am whole and one with the universe and with you. I am a good person, and I have always been a good person. I reject the claims of false religions and false gods, which enslave and brain wash so many of us. I proclaim that Thou art G-d and I am G-d and all that Groks is G-d. So say we all!” Does this invocation express the desire of your heart?\r\n\r\nIf it does, I invite you to take off your clothes, light a candle, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and meditate right now, saying aloud the invocation above, and you will realize you are one with G-d.

Now that you have accepted responsibility for your life……