Things you should never, never do, no matter what:
Even if you believe him or her to be a friend, never tell your boss about your future plans, especially if they concern moving to a better climate, starting a new business or anything else that might better your life.
Never tell your landlord, even if you believe him or her to be a friend, about your future plans, especially if they concern moving to a better climate, starting a new business or anything else that might better your life.
Never trust a landlord, a boss, or anyone else with “power over” you.
Never ever believe that your freedom of speech is protected in your workplace. It’s not. You don’t believe me? Start openly discussing the merits of unionization with your coworkers.
For that matter, never believe that any of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are protected in the workplace.
Never trust a Republican.
Never trust a Libertarian. While this might be tempting, given the Libertarian view of social laws (they would legalize marijuana and other “soft” drugs; legalize prostitution; strike sodomy laws from the books; legalize gay and poly marriages, etc.,), that might be tempting, but they hate the poor just like Republicans do. And they would rape, pillage and plunder the environment just like Republicans, if given the chance.
Never pick up the phone unless you know who it is (that’s why G-d invented “Caller ID”).
Never spread your personal crap all over the Internet under your real name (you know, like I do here), UNLESS: you are retired or self-employed.
Never take a job in a non-unionized workplace unless you simply can’t avoid it..
Never marry outside your belief-system (not your parent’s BS mind you, but your personal, thought out, BS).
Never grow up.
Never grow old and stodgy in your ways.