Zionism is an integral, inseparable, and essential part of Judaism and has been such for almost 3,000 years.
Judaism, as a religion, was developed and evolved in the Middle East (AKA, the Levant), especially in the land of Judea (AKA, “Palestine”), and specifically within 7,000 sq. miles of Jerusalem. We’re talking about an area about the size of New Jersey.
Judaism is named for the territory known as Judea.
The Amidah:
The central prayer of Jewish liturgy, the Amidah prayer mentions Jerusalem and Zion five times. The prayer calls for the restoration off Jerusalem to the Jewish nation.
… and next year in Jerusalem:
At the end of Yom Kippur and at the end of the Passover Seder, the phrase, “….and next year in Jerusalem” is repeated by attendees. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of he Hebrew Year. Jerusalem is mentioned 669 times in the Tenakh (the Jewish Bible, consisting of the Torah, the books of the Prophets and the wisdom books).In all synagogues in North America, the “Ark” (an elaborate cabinet containing the Torah scrolls) is placed on the eastern wall, so that congregants are facing Jerusalem when they face the Ark to pray.