Backlash from a member of my tribe (yes, really).

(NOTE): I posted this “meme” to my Facebook timeline. I thought it innocent enough:

(NOTE): But, I immediately got some backlash – from a member of my own tribe:

(A.E.): You also “win” by having the courage to say I appreciate the equal rights of Palestinians. I don’t need to diminish them by saying there’s no such thing as a Palestinian. Or to call their homeland Judea and Samaria. Nor do I have to fantasize about a Third Temple with messianic crazies conducting pogroms to kick them out of their villages. Maybe I should as myself as I lay t’philin, would I have supported Bibi bombing the Gazans if 10,000 Israeli Jews had been living among them? And if not, what does that say about what we did? Enjoy your matzah ball, and Hag Hanukkah sameach!

(NOTE): My meme was addressing anti-semitism. It said nothing about the situation in Israel. Yet, someone  couldn’t restrain themselves, or perhaps they’re feeling so guilty about betraying their own people, that the words just gushed forth from them. It’s hard to tell. But, here was my response:

(MOI)“… I appreciate the equal rights of Palestinians…” and you’re right, they should have equal rights, but in fact, those palestinian arabs who have Israeli citizenship enjoy those equal rights. They also serve in govt.offices, as doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, members of the Knesset, judges (including judges on the Israeli Supreme Court) and many proudly serve with the IDF. I can document this.

(A.E.) Israeli Arab/Palestinian citizens do not have complete equal rights. Perhaps later, I shall document instances, but with the New Year obligations, my time doesn’t permit.
(MOI)“….by saying there’s no such thing as a Palestinian…” I was in Israel is 1974. The only people identifying themselves as “palestinian” were a lot of older Jewish Israelis, who were there prior to 1948. My understanding is that the palestinian “identity” began picking up in popularity circa 1968, but has taken a real foothold since about 1980, but mostly among younger folks.
Judea/Samaria was never called “the West Bank” beforel Jordan took over that territory in 1948, and only after they ethnically purged the region of every Jew, every Kibbutz and every Synagogue. At least 90% of that region was bought and paid for with Jewish National Funds. You can view deeds issued by the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate for Palestine to the new Jewish landowners between 1900 and 1947 in the Israel Museum.
In June 1967 Judea/Samaria was liberated by the IDF and restored to it’s legal and rightful owners, ending 19 years of Jordanian occupation.

This is all in accordance with what really happened (I like to call it “history”) rather than the banal poppycock has that spewed forth from the bowels of antisemitic propagandists (on the Right and the Left) over the past few decades.

Lastly, you speak of “crazies who fantasize about a Third Temple” and now we can finally agree. Xtian Nationalists, are all proposing that “perhaps a small nuclear device could be placed under the Dome of the Rock…” and usher in the rebuilding of the Temple, and then Jesus will come back and begin his world dictatorship. That is absolutely the ONLY reason fundagelicals pay lip service to Israel.  And what will happen when he doesn’t come back?

Whenever I bring up the facts about the Jewish National Fund, I never get a reaction. That just gets left behind, because, well, they have no answer for it, it disqualifies their argument, so it’s better that they just not address it at all.  There is another reason (and this is specifically true for those opining from the Left): they don’t believe in real property. They don’t believe real property should be owned, or bought and sold. What really astonishes me is that many of them are owners of real property themselves.  Can you say the word: “hypocrite?”