Defining Our Terms

With the exceptions of Alcohol and Tobacco, almost all of the following terms refer to lifestyle choices that are generally not accepted by the dominant society and are conditioned against by the western Judeo-Christian influenced educational system (no matter how “liberal” you might believe the America public school systems are). We maintain that many of these are natural human inclinations and should therefore be explored by those seeking enlightenment apart from the dominant paradigm, i.e., those who would “become God,” and would liberate their minds and bodies from the dominant and destructive, western paradigm.

“Each cultural group sets up its rules for virtuous behavior, sanctifies actions which contribute to the preservation of the hive. Society is based on the control and direction of socio-sexual behavior. The particular soc-sex virtues of the group, symbolic, and stylistically usually determined early in the group’s history by dominant leaders who impose their fourth imprint sexual eccentricities on the culture. St. Paul didn’t like women. Mohammed was polygamous-exploitive. Luther was paternal. Since most modern societies have been codified by menopausal, power-oriented men, the moral systems tend to be prudish, exploitive and chauvinistic. Social responsibilities thus determine virtue and sin ­which are always sexual in nature.”–  Dr. Timothy Leary

“The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself.”— Rita Mae Brown

Children for the most part have to be taught to wear clothes. Most children will run out of the house naked without giving it a thought. Some have to be forced to put clothes on or to keep them on. I think there is a lessonto be learned there. These same children will grow up to have strong inhibitions about their bodies. We call this “societal conditioning.” Breaking free of this conditioning is part of the pathway to Godhood.”– Duane Adam Rostoker






[n] a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion Someone who enjoys being nude outside, usually in private settings and in the company of other nudists. Nudists generally have no artificial inhibitions concerning body-image. They generally do not go in for cosmetic surgery, high-fashion or use makeup.Nudism is non-sexual and veteran nudists do not get aroused by nudity. Someone who believes, “Oh, I could never do that – No one would want to see me nude,” misses the point altogether. Exhibitionism.


[n] a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion Synonymous with “Nudist,” but preferred by some practitioners. Someone who enjoys being nude outside, usually in private settings and in the company of other naturists. Naturists generally have no artificial inhibitions concerning body-image. They generally do not go in for cosmetic surgery, high-fashion or use makeup. Naturism is non-sexual and veteran naturists do not get aroused by nudity. Someone who believes, “Oh, I could never do that – No one would want to see me nude,” misses the point altogether. Exhibitionism.


[n] a person who occasionally practices nudity when a social-situation suggests it. Social Nudists are those people who will get nude when others are nude (like when invited into the hot tub, or at a gathering where some but not all people are nude, such as a clothing optional beach, or Neo-Pagan festival or ritual. Because it’s not a habit (like a naturist or nudist) a social nudist might be aroused, but the intent is always non-sexual, regardless. Exhibitionism


[adj.] nudity for religious or ritual purposes. Many Neo-Pagan traditions require or recommend the practice of being naked for rituals, healings or other spiritual purposes. The theory is that clothing inhibits or interrupts the flow and transmittal of psychic energy. This sometimes is sexual in nature (as in the case of the performance of the “Great Rite” in Wiccan Covens). Exhibitionist


 [n.] many loves. A polyamorous person is one who feels it is natural to romantically love more than just one person at a time. Polyamory, translated, means “many loves.” Briefly, a polyamorous person is one who feels it is natural to romantically love more than just one person at a time. A polyamorous person may have more than one person that s/he considers to be a “spouse,” for example. Polyamory is about love, without constraint by the dictates of society, defined only by the parameters that we, as individuals, impose upon it. Swinging.Cheating.


[n] a polyamorous state in which groups of three or more partners consider themselves essentially married to each other. Several of Robert A. Heinlein’s novels present the idea of polyfidelity. The most noted is Stranger In A Strange Land, where the nests (congregations) of the Church of All Worlds are in fact group marriages, wherein sexual activity is restricted to members of the Church. Polyfidelity then, is a little like monogamy, which requires “faithfulness,” or rather, restricts sexual activity to a couple. Polyfidelity merely extends the definition to more than two. Even more so than with Polyamory, Polifidelity is not swinging and is not cheating.

Group Sex

Sexual activity between three or more people Polyamorous or Polyfidelitous groups may or may not include group sex. Orgies


[n] 1. [n] a soft drug consisting of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect 2. [n] a strong-smelling plant from whose dried leaves a number of euphoriant and hallucinogenic drugs are prepared Marijuana, aka, “pot,” “grass,” “herbs,” “weed,” “ganja,”etc., is used by many neo-Pagans for both recreational and shamanistic purposes. Although illegal in many countries, it is no more addicting or harmful than alcohol, and certainly way less harmful than tobacco. Drug addiction


[n] a powerful hallucinogenic drug LSD is short for”lysergic acid diethylamide,” and commonly known as acid. It was popularized in the ’60s by Dr. Timothy Leary. If used under supervision, it can lead to mystical, shamanistic experiences, not unlike peyote or mushrooms. Drug addiction


[n] doctrine of enlightenment as the realization of the oneness of one’s self and the visible world; combines elements of Hinduism and paganism including magical and mystical elements like mantras and mudras and erotic rites; especially influential in Tibet Tantric practice can help both men and women achieve multiple and extended orgasms. It is also said to produce euphoria and shamanistic experiences. Older men (45 – 50 and above) may be advised to avoid the tantric technique of delayed orgasm, due to possible harm to the prostrate. “Fucking your way to heaven.”


1. [n] a course of related exercises and postures intended to promote control of the body and mind and to attain physical and spiritual well-being 2. [n] a Hindu theistic philosophy; union of self and the Supreme Being is sought through a state of complete awareness and tranquility attained by certain physical exercises Yoga exercises can be beneficial in slowing down the aging process, promote continued suppleness,and reduce or eliminate the effects of arthritis. “A pathway to demonic possession,” as some idiot fundy’s believe.


1. [n] continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature; “the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge”2. [n] contemplation of spiritual matters (usually on religious or philosophical subjects) Almost all religions practice some form of meditation, which has both spiritual and health benefits to the practitioner. Many times the word is also used to describe a quote, poem, or other articulation offered as something to think about. “A pathway to demonic possession,” as some idiot fundy’s believe.

Body Painting

The practice of decorating the nude body with paints, in whole or part. A fun thing that nudists and naturists sometimes do, but not necessarily limited to those groups. It is normally non-sexual in intent. Exhibitionism


1. [adj] (used of plants as well as animals) feeding on animals; “carnivorous plants are capable of trapping and digesting small animals especially insects”2. [adj] relating to or characteristic of carnivores; “the lion andother carnivorous animals” Neo-Pagans who truly worship nature understand that eating meat is a natural part of the cycle of life and death. The spiritual neo-Pagan may practice thanking the animals spirit for it’s sacrifice. This is the natural state of the human animal, as opposed to…… Murder


[n] eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products …a vegetarian (a more ancient definition is: “lousy hunter”), or ….. Smart: we NEED animal protein to feed our brain cells.


[n] a strict vegetarian;someone who eats no animal or dairy products at all … a vegan. Smart: we NEED animal protein to feed our brain cells.


1. [n] leaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion 2. [n] aromatic annual or perennial herbs and shrubs A highly addictive and cancer producing drug, that’s not very fun to use, and leads ultimately to early death. Harmless.


1. [n] a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; “alcohol (or drink) ruined him”2. [n] any of a series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation Used in moderation, alcohol can be very relaxing and a contributor to pleasant social interactions and dinners. It is very addictive, and if abused, can lead to alcoholism, liver failure and death Harmless. It is certainly more harmful than marijuana use, but very much less so than tobacco.

Astral Projection

the art of sending consciousness out at will to a location away from the physical body. A great way to visit your loved ones when you can’t afford air faire. 🙂 Can also be used to influence others (such as a post interview “visit” to a prospective employer, or lover); and meet with friends when a physical meeting isn’t possible. Can also be a meditation in itself, as you can create a virtual space on the astral to visit when you need to fully grok something. In SiaSL, Michael used this technique many times. Dangerous, or “A pathway to demonic possession,” as some idiot fundy’s believe.