Why were we in Afghanistan in the first place?


Why were we in Afghanistan in the first place? 9/11?

Yet, ALL of the hijackers who flew the planes on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. Why didn’t we invade Saudi Arabia????

So, why were we in Afghanistan? PROFITS.

Why were we in Iraq? PROFITS.

In fact, outside of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and WWII, almost all of the wars we have fought in have been about rich guys making lots of money.

The United States has only NOT been at war for about 20 years out of our 245 years of existence.

Our soldiers aren’t dying for our freedoms. They’re dying for Capitalism.

Now, having said that, I am not disparaging our men and women in the military.  They should be honored for serving their country. They should be honored for doing what they believe is good and right.  They believe they are fighting for our freedoms, and that needs to be acknowledged.