Thoughts about Amsterdam

I’m having trouble getting my head around this Amsterdam thing. News media has learned that it was all pre-planned perhaps months in advance. Arab taxi drivers (and I would assume Lift and Uber drivers) were organized to play their part over social media. This was planned and executed the same way the 9/11 attacks here in the United States were planned, and I suspect that the same actors worked behind the scenes.

This was a POGRAM.

It had nothing to do with Israels war with Hamas. The only thing it had to do with anything is HATRED of JEWS.

HATRED of JEWS for the crime of existing. If Israel did not exist today it would not matter. They hate us, It’s a tenet of their religion. It’s what they live for.

Looking back to last year, to October 7: I think that that was a pogram as well. But we sort of decided that it was a Hamas thing, just their behaving as we expected.

Another thing: it’s not a LEFT vs. RIGHT thing. There are folks at both ends of the political spectrum that just have a hobby of Jew hating.

When I was a kid (1953 – to about 1965) there was a thing called “National Brotherhood Week.” It started in 1930 as a day, then in 1936 President Roosevelt expanded it to a week. Given what was going on in Germany in FDR’s time it wasn’t very effective. Singer/Songwriter Tom Lehrer wrote a satyrical song about it, singing “The Catholics hate the Protestants, and the Protestants hate the Catholics, and the Moslems hate the Hindus, and everyone hates the Jews.” Here’s a clip

I’m reminded of a line from the 2004 remake of the Science Fiction series, Battlestar Galactica: “This has happened before, and it will happen again.”

Maybe, but we’re not required to tolerate it. NEVER AGAIN.